The Divine Yoga
Jimbeau: The Divine Yoga (talk given to Divine Love mediumship class 6/12/2020)
I love what Al says about really going into prayer and really from the depths of your soul, discerning what your needs are in terms of your soul and your heart. If I was going to do yogi stuff, I would be a Bhakti yogi, I would be a devotional heart. Then there are yogis that are into their minds, the Yanis. Then there is Kundalini yoga which is energy, Hatha yoga which is asanas, like different positions, different poses and all that stuff. You find these in all the traditions. They are not called “yoga” in Christianity, they are called “monks” and people who feed homeless people and people who pray all day and then you have got the Qi-Gong and that kind of thing from the Eastern Chinese tradition. All these, in my experience, are beneficial, but most of them are natural love and that is great.
It came to me a week or so ago, and I did discuss this with my group, when I was talking with Al, Jeanne and Maureen about healing, Yogananda came to me and he said something like this: “The soul is created by God Who is Divine, but the soul is created in the natural love. And the wounds and encrustations and hurts and all the things that come upon the soul which separate it from God are in the natural love, they are not Divine. So you could remove them, through natural paths, through yoga, through healings, through praying you know, just praying for them to be removed. There are many spirits working in the Universe who deal with those natural energies. There are Doctors who give you by-pass surgery like the kind I had, and hopefully the angels were with him when he was doing that, because I am still here.
So, I have also seen many gurus who had very intense energies, who could just look at you and you just go flying across the room or you would be so shocked you would just see the Universe and layers of things. You know, the yogis would say, you are at one with the Universe, you go within and you become at-one with the Universe, and that is quite an experience. But to be at-one with God, Who is the Creator of the Universe and one with His Love, that is the Divine yoga, that is the path Al is speaking about.
Yogananda said “You can be healed of all these things on the natural love pathway and the result will be the perfect man and the perfect woman, the purified soul, which is the sixth sphere. But the Divine Love path embraces the natural love and supersedes it, and the result of that is the transformation of the soul from the mortal to the immortal, from the human to the Divine Celestial angel”. And that experience for me, in my case, the energy is very different than feeling like a kundalini kind of energy or a natural love spirit, and those can be very helpful and they can also be kind of disturbing, depending. But, I am preaching to the choir here.
My experience of really going from my heart and my soul, and for most people this happens in a crisis, where you go “Oh God, please help me, I am a mess, or I am in darkness, or I am suffering” or whatever it is. That plea opens the door for God to open the door to your soul and bless you with the Love if you ask for it. And that feeling is a glow. If I am receiving a message, before I get a message, and I have been praying for Divine Love since 1988, so this is a more recent thing for me, was a result of me feeling the Love so strongly, such a glow. And it is such a beautiful feeling of Light and Love. Then spirit would step up and say “I would like to speak.”
I don’t know how it works. I can’t give you a technique, except to say if you really pray and if you really begin to receive this Love, and like Al, I believe everyone here has received God’s Love whether they think they have or not. I don’t think you would be here if that wasn’t the case, actually. So, prayer, that is the ticket, deep prayer from your soul. And I think also, my misconception was I had to be in crisis to open up, but there is a transition from being in crisis, being in the darkness, to receiving the Light and Love of God, where then, as Judas said to me the other day “It is really simple, isn’t it? You just pray, you just ask.”
If this is a class about Divine Love mediumship, as the Love enters our souls and we really begin to feel it, all these doors open, all your gifts start to happen. Jimbeau starts writing songs about praising God, asking for the Love, someone else is laying hands on, someone else is writing something that opens up peoples’ souls and lifts them up. Everyone here has gifts and some of us are using them and some of them are yet to be discovered. For me, I had never taught a “class” so to speak, so thank you for bearing with me and allowing me to share my experience. I just have nothing but love for all of you. This is a beautiful moment, so God bless you.