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6/16/2020 Elizabeth ( mother of John the Baptist)

Title: One in God’s love

Spirit: Elizabeth

Medium : Jimbeau Walsh

Location: Punaluu, Hawaii ( online DLS prayer circle)

Date : June 16, 2020

I am here Elizabeth

I am the mother of John , the one they call the Baptist, and the Aunt of the Master on earth and sister of Mary. There is a great longing and I would say

emotion coming from the women in this community to hear more from the voices of those of us in Celestial realm that are your sisters. The depth of your feeling is

very evident to those of us here. The depth of your prayers.

You are indeed the nurturers on the earth. You give birth , you embrace, and you feel deeply. There is a difference between male and female on the earth, perhaps many differences, but as the mothers love that signals the embrace of God’s love, many men are drawn, as in this circle. There is a strength and a gentleness but I must tell you that in the Celestial heavens this variance between male and females disappears. So here (Celestial heavens) it is not so relevant because the balance is there in God’s love. As you pray and as the love of God enters your souls , each one of you, all these things that seem to separate you , find equanimity and balance and Oneness. This is where the path of God’s love shall lead you in joy and in glory and in happiness hard to conceive of but I tell you we are joyous for this gathering of such beautiful souls, both women and men. May the gift of God’s love bring you to

Oneness, change you , bless you on earth and on your journey here to the Kingdom of God’s love. I am you sister and friend, a disciple of the master, and one with you in the love of God.

I am Elizabeth

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