2020-09-19 Judas of Kerioth
Title: Make God your First resort
Spirit: Judas of Kerioth
Medium: Jimbeau Walsh
Location: Punaluu, Hawaii (online prayer with Ruth D, Melissa G and Michael W)
Date: September 19, 2020
I am here your brother in Christ, Judas, enjoying as always, you coming together to study the teachings I gave our dear brother. And I wish to commend you on selecting those two very comprehensive messages today. And I am going to keep this short, but I do wish to remind you, in your busy lives, and in your world full of entertainments, to practice going to God in prayer, so that God is not your last resort, but your first. If I take this a step further, as you progress and God becomes your only resort, it does not mean that you give up all else, but rather, all else will be given when you put God first, because he is the provider of every gift. If you even spend a few moments of your day upon waking giving the day over to God and those of us who guide you, your celestial friends, you will keep a little bit of that in your consciousness and it will be easier to be in the flow of God’s grace. And when you are in the flow of God’s grace you attract all things in a harmonious way, bringing every good and perfect gift in God to yourself and others. This I encourage not to admonish, but to all, with all my love and blessings for each of you, and for your beautiful community in Divine Love, I am your brother, Judas of Kerioth. God bless you.