Title: Correcting Error by Speaking Truth with Love
Spirit: Care
Medium: Jimbeau Walsh
Date: August 28, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC (Divine Love Sanctuary)
I was with you earlier today, very close. As Yogananda spoke about being able to critique people or criticize, I too was listening. I realized that as a mother, I often had to correct my children who would disagree with me many times, argue with me about it, but always in the end realized that my guidance for them was correct. Yogananda and I discussed this earlier, and he said it was the same with his students, that rather than let them persist in ignorance or error, he would correct them but always with love.
So whether it's a mother’s love, human love, God’s Love, love is the way. It is important to not let error linger in the air. I know that you all wish to be in harmony and not be disruptive, and you are all kind souls. But to let error persist, erroneous thoughts, thoughts that you know in your soul are not true, words that are out of harmony, not in truth, this in fact would be worse than the error of those words themselves. Thus, when Yogananda tells you speak the truth with love, there is an important reason for this.
In this time it is so important to speak truth. Now there will be some that this will upset as you know. Some will turn away. Some will argue. But like my children, they shall realize ultimately that the words you spoke, their soul understood, even though their mind rejected those words. So we have nothing to lose because ultimately the truth will prevail, speaking in love as I speak to you in love now.
So delighted to be here with you all and my beloved. May God bless you. My love to all. I am Care.