2020-12-02 Charles Chaplin
Title: Co-Creators
Spirit: Charles “Charlie” Chaplin
Medium: Jimbeau Walsh
Location: Punaluu, Hawaii. (Judas study group) Personal Message to Michael, Melissa, Jimbeau and Ruth
Date: December 2, 2020
I am here Charles. It is I, Charlie Chaplin. You are not only three kind mice but you are creative. Part of what I do is to influence and inspire created souls. On the path of Divine love when creativity blossoms like a rose, it is a delight when I can come and be of some influence. You have read that you are creators and this is true. When you receive inspiration you become co-creators. Many wonderful things in your world have come about through co-creating when souls allowed inspiration to be channeled through a combination of their own pursuits and investigations, and inspiration and knowledge from the spirit world.
My sister who has written a book and told a story or two and given wings to a moral tale of love and romance. I have watched how you have had, may I say, a change of heart, and an openness to a more Celestial reality in your writings. And as you know you have a band of spirits at your beckoned call, to help with your inspirations. May your work be blessed.
And to my young one, absorbing so much, wishing to understand so many things, and also a lover of creation and creativity and solving problems and finding openings, I encourage you not to hesitate, but to experiment. And if something doesn’t quite pan out, try the next thing. I tell you this from much experience in making movies sometimes shooting over and over and over again until just the essence that I felt a scene needed was there. And ah, success! So do not hold back, do as many takes as you need, and when it feels right, know that it will touch many. And your life will surely touch many. May it be blessed.
My brother here sometimes is very cautious and even calls himself the reluctant medium. He has such deep desire and deep longings but his personality and character wishes to get things just right. This is also a wonderful trait however sometimes in conflict with the other part of his nature which is fast and furious and full of energy. So to you dear brother, all I can say is always take it to prayer, and when you are in harmony and in the love of God, proceed and we will be with you.
To the dear sister who is not present physically. You have a wonderful gift and the messages you receive are indeed from the angels. If you desire to bring them to the world do not hesitate. This is worthy endeavor and it will be your gift to the world and what a beautiful gift it is. It is golden.
Consider this somewhat of a personal message to all of the kind mice and know that I am delighted to come through. My happiness is beyond measure and I am progressing towards the Celestial heavens with much help and love and guidance and it is my honor to give you some of what I have received.
Stay in the love, stay in your heart. Allow joy and song and dance and music to lift you. Choose wisely what you take in. Best of all, let it be love.
With all my love and happiness I am your friend and brother in Christ. I am Charles. Thank you.