Yogananda 8/08/2020
Title: Be a Blessing to This World, Support Each Other
Sprit: Yogananda
Location: Punalu’u, Hawaii (Exploring your Spiritual Gifts session DLS online)
Date: August 08, 2020
I am your brother and friend, Yogananda. I come in the grace of God and his Love. I come with many to bless this sacred circle of diverse souls seeking to discover their gifts to serve in the world, to be healed, to be healers. I opened my doors to all, regardless of race, creed, color, beliefs. For there is only one creator who is the source of the love that transforms and heals. And this truth is spoken through many and this love can be received and lived by all. This is the great yoga that embraces all, excludes none. Your diversity is in many ways your strengths for each has discovered truth in their own way, in their own soul. And though your minds may differ in how they process these gifts there can be no confusion when one is present has love. All deception disappears for love is the great oneness, soul to soul with the Creator, in this world and beyond. Should you choose to do so, we encourage and support each one of you, individually and collectively that you may go and be a blessing to this world, support each other - stand as one in God’s Love. Fear not, we are with you. With all my love and blessings, my dear brothers and sisters,
I am your friend in the grace of God,
I am Yogananda,
God bless you.