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2020-05-14 JW-Yogananda

Title: All the Peace and Silence

Spirit: Yogananda

Medium: Jimbeau Walsh

Location: Punaluu Hawaii Online FUSC circle w Raphael

Date: June 14, 2020

I am here Yogananda

I come in the Divine Love of the Father as your brother and friend. Allow the peace and silence of this prayer to open your heart. Allow your souls

to reach out to God’s love. For the Creator’s love and light is there for all to receive. There is no greater meditation than the longing of the soul to be at one with its Creator. I encourage you to let go of all else for in the great blessing of God’s love all things are given, all wounds are healed, all doubt falls away. And with this love comes Faith. And with this Faith comes wisdom and understanding and the great glimpse of eternity beyond this earth. For the love of God carries the seeds of eternity as the soul is transformed from the mortal to the immortal, from the human to the Divine. So now I join you in this prayer in this opening to the great gift of God’s love. May all be blessed and transformed in this great joy and in the glory of Grace.

I am your brother and friend in God’s love and I shall always be

God bless you

I am Yogananda

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